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How to Improve Your Flexibility Fast

Maria Mullen

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How to Improve Your Flexbility Fast January 02, 2021


Flexibility – we all want, few of us have it. It’s an area so many of us want to improve on, but let’s face it, none of us enjoy practicing. Consistency is definitely key here, but it takes serious motivation to fold yourself into uncomfortable positions, holding them for minutes at a time while your body cries out in pain.

So is there a better way to train for flexibility and what are the benefits of it? Flexibility is important as it helps us to improve out overall workout regime. Adding just a few minutes stretching and flexibility training to the start of your routine will help reduce tightness and decrease risk of injury.

The key to improving your flexibility fast however, is to focus on your own problem areas. Let’s be frank, there is no quick fix to flexibility it takes serious motivation, patience and at times inspiration to commit to being more flexible, but pinpointing your struggles is going to help you speed up the process. What are you practicing for?

If you feel stiff after a long day sitting at your desk, or can’t tie your shoes without some serious forward folding effort then you should consider incorporating stretching and flexibility into your daily routine to improve your overall health.

If you already work out and are looking to increase  your range of motion then you should focus on the areas that you struggle with to speed up performance. It’s important to note that the more loose your muscles feel the more range they will have and the less likely you are to injure yourself when getting into those hardcore yoga poses..

Moves to Improve Flexibility at Home

Can’t get to a class? Don’t worry we’ve compiled 8 easy to follow moves you can run through at home before your workout. The key is to hold your moves for as long as possible, this is what will decrease the time spent on your flexibility training.

1. Standing Hamstring Stretch With your feet hip width apart and knees slightly bent, stand tall with both hands at your sides, exhale deeply while you lower your head towards the floor, keeping your upper body relaxed.Wrap you arms around the back of your legs and hold for 30 seconds – 2 miutes.

2. Lunge with Spinal Twist Standing in an upright position, take a large step forward with your right leg and bend your knee into a lunge position, keep your left leg straight out behind you and your toes on the ground. You should feel a stretch at the front left thigh. Place your left hand on the floor and twist your upper body to the left while extending your right hand up toward the ceiling. Hold for 30 secs – 2 minutes and repeat on the opposite side.

3. Frog Stretch Start on all fours, we recommend against a wall to stay even, with your toes pointed out with flat feet slide your knees more than shoulder width apart as much as you can. Shift your hips back towards you heels and hold for 30 secs – 2 minutes.

Move from your hands to your forearms for a deeper stretch, but only if you’re comfortable.

4. Butterfly Stretch Sit up tall and bring your feet together into a diamond pose with both your knees out to the sides. Holding onto your feet or ankles, engage your core and slowly lower your body towards the ground as much as you can, while pushing your knees towards the floor. Hold for 30 secs – 2 minutes.

5. Lunging Hip Flexor Stretch

Kneel on your right knee and bring your left foot forward with a bent knee and your foot flat on the ground, into a lunging position.  Lean forward stretching your left hip toward the floor. Squeeze your glutes to allow a deeper stretch into your hip flexor. Hold for 30 secs – 2 minutes and repeat on opposite side.

6. Sphinx PoseLie on your stomach with your legs out behind you. Bring your elbows under your shoulders, with your forearms down on the mat and your chest slightly lifted up. Press your hips and thighs down into the matt and relax your shoulders while you think of strengthening your spine.

Only bring your chest up enough to where you still feel comfortable, lower yourself down and come out of the move if you feel any pain or discomfort.

7. Standing Quad StretchWith both feet on the ground and standing up straight, bend your right knee, reach back with your right hand to grab your foot and bring it in towards your butt. Squeeze your glutes and hold for 30 secs – 2 minutes.

If you feel unstable in this move use the opposite hand to rest against a wall. Repeat on the opposite leg when finished.

8. Knees to ChestLie on your back, make sure your lower back is glued to the mat beneath you and bring your knees into your chest with both arms. Hold the pose as long as you can 30secs – 2 minutes.

At Elevate each of our aerial classes have dedicate time allotted to pre and post workout stretching and conditioning to help improve your flexibility and range. We also run Stretching & Flexibility courses which focus on improving hips, splits, back bends and forward folds. We recommend signing-up to yoga, as you can pace yourself while the instructor can modify moves to assist your level of flexibility without injury.

Our top tip is to listen to your body, don’t push yourself into a move that your body isn’t ready for, flexibility is not quick, so don’t risk and injury.



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